degree of association

英 [dɪˈɡriː ɒv əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃn] 美 [dɪˈɡriː əv əˌsoʊsiˈeɪʃn]




  1. It also shows the method has better precision by comparing the diagnostic results of gray degree of association based on texture features.
  2. Hierarchical layout algorithm based on order of succession and degree of association
  3. Comparing the degree of association, the third level lists on the first place, and then the first level, and at last the second.
  4. The results show that tourmaline reduces the full width at half maximum intensity of the 17O nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum for distilled water and decreases the degree of association of water molecules.
  5. The vehicle over-haul reliability evaluation method using the gray analysis method is introduced, and the identification function of the iden-tification coefficient on the degree of association and the effect of weights on the degree of association are studied.
  6. The degree of association is a measurement of associativity among things or factors.
  7. Forensic expertise on the degree of injury association with firearm ( 63 cases report)
  8. The effects of intensity of linkage and the degree of association of genes on generation mean and variance were also discussed in the paper.
  9. We use GM ( 1,1) model to analyse ultimate bearing in this paper, and use gray degree of association method to amend the error.
  10. Both the concentration of polymer and salinity of solution affect the degree of molecule association.
  11. The reliability gray evaluation model based on degree of gray association is presented.
  12. This paper made an empirical analysis on innovation-driving factors of corporate bonds derivatives by using the factors regression analysis methods and the obscure degree of association analysis methods.
  13. In the first stage, it has been proved that the quality and stability of ink dispersions is highly dependent on the degree and nature of the association between dispersing resin and pigment as well as the viscosity of the medium.
  14. On the basis that the distance of two lines in different planes is the association degree, a method of data association based on analyzing possible matrices is proposed.
  15. If the degree of association is higher, the method can be used to calculate the association constants of higher degree.
  16. With the method of mathematical statistics and degree of association analysis, the relationship between the temporal-spatial variations of sandy desertification and the climatic variations is researched, the association degree of the desertification and the climatic factors is analyzed, too.
  17. A Kind of Improvement of Support Degree Choice of Fuzzy Association Rules
  18. Because of its high degree of association related and strong function of drive, it has already become a pillar industry in the national economy.
  19. After the degree of association is calculated, the results of grade division of disaster and comparison of disastrous condition can be easily obtained.
  20. Comprehensive degree of association, gigantic investment multiplier effect, the real estate industry has been one of the pillar industries among national economy.
  21. This paper abstract SV with hierarchical graphs layout based on analysis of the current research, and presents a crossing-reduce algorithm based on order of succession and degree of association.
  22. Recommend special learning resources to meet students 'individual characteristics, establish student interest model and educational resource model, calculate the degree of association by similarity make resources easy to find and use.
  23. As the basic industry, equipment manufacturing industry is not only the important constituent part, but also has many characteristics, such as big demand elasticity, high degree of association, strong driving strength to economy growth and high technology content degree.
  24. Based on Rough Set, combined with the principle that knowledge relation has the granularity nature, the degree of association between condition attribute set and decision kind set selects decision kind set, so that is the quotient granularity.
  25. As the industrial level is low, industry and efficiency of the low degree of association industry, small and industrial competitiveness.
  26. Automobile industry has long chain 、 high degree of association and drives strong, and it put great pulling effect on the economy of whole country and area.
  27. The origin of the law mainly refers to its effectiveness origin, and effectiveness origin decides the legal form. there is a certain degree of association between them.
  28. Semantic relateness is a basic research field of natural language process-ing, one of the key technologies of the text intelligent processing and analysis, which focus on the degree of semantic association between the words in the text.
  29. The second chapter calculates the degree of association of the factors that affect the de-mand for enterprise annuity and analyzes the results, using Grey Relational Model.
  30. Putting random samples into each partition, then the associated rules and the support degree of association rules in each partition were obtained through the array-based Apriori algorithm. Based on the minimum partition support degree, the approximate associated rules of the dataset were obtained.